ABA Therapy Dearborn MI

What exactly is ABA?

ABA is an abbreviation for Applied Behavioral Analysis. The science of behavior analysis seeks to understand, predict, and change behavior. Most professionals in the field of behavior analysis work in behavior intervention for autistic children, an approach used to shape autistic children’s behavior. Only ABA as an intervention therapy for autistic children will be discussed. The Kreative Kids Learning Center offers ABA therapy Dearborn MI for students with autism spectrum disorder. 

To “program” desired behaviors, ABA employs operant conditioning and positive reinforcement (praise and rewards). While positive reinforcement may appear to be harmless, autistic advocates and allies argue that rewarding children for inappropriate behavior is a grooming technique that will result in internalized shame and trauma later in life. 

ABA is frequently chastised because the goal behaviors it teaches are chosen without regard for autistic needs such as sensory sensitivity or overwhelm. Autistic children are taught to perform behaviors even if doing so causes them pain. ABA practitioners are not trained or equipped to understand autistic sensory, social, and emotional needs, and instead focus on changing those behaviors rather than reducing stress and demand on autistic children. If you are looking to enroll your child in ABA therapy Deaborn MI has the Kreative Kids Learning Center to offer that. 


Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment and Intervention Services

Current autism spectrum disorder (ASD) treatments aim to alleviate symptoms that interfere with daily functioning and quality of life. 

Because ASD affects each person differently, people with ASD have unique strengths and challenges, as well as different treatment needs. As a result, treatment plans typically involve multiple professionals and are tailored to the individual. 

Treatments can be given in a variety of settings, including education, health, community, and home settings, as well as a combination of these. It is critical that providers communicate with one another, as well as with the person with ASD and their families, to ensure that treatment goals and progress are met. Get in touch with the Kreative Kids Learning Center for ABA therapy Dearborn MI at (313) 278-3008. 

ABA Therapy Dearborn MI

As people with ASD graduate from high school and enter adulthood, additional services can help them improve their health and daily functioning, as well as facilitate social and community engagement. Supports to continue education, complete job training, find employment, secure housing, and transportation may be required for some.  

Behavioral approaches are concerned with changing behaviors by comprehending what occurs before and after the behavior. The most evidence supports behavioral approaches for treating ASD symptoms. They have gained widespread acceptance among educators and healthcare professionals, and are now used in a variety of schools and treatment clinics. Applied Behavior Analysis is a well-known behavioral treatment for people with ASD (ABA). To improve a variety of skills, ABA encourages desired behaviors and discourages undesirable behaviors. Progress is being monitored and measured. If you’re looking for ABA therapy Dearborn MI get in touch with the Kreative Kids Learning Center because they offer high-end education as well as an implemented ABA therapy program for autistic children. 

ABA Therapy Dearborn MI: Types of ABA Therapy

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

To teach a desired behavior or response, DTT employs step-by-step instructions. Lessons are broken down into their most basic components, and desired responses and behaviors are rewarded. Unwanted responses and behaviors are ignored.

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

PRT is performed in the field rather than in a clinic. PRT’s goal is to help people improve a few “pivotal skills” that will help them learn many other skills. Initiating communication with others is one example of a critical skill. 

As a treatment approach, ABA therapy has been shown to be effective for a wide range of children and adults. It can help people with language difficulties, delays in self-help skills, developmental disorders (such as ADHD), and children with behavioral issues. If you’re looking for ABA therapy Dearborn Heights get in touch with the Kreative Kids Learning Center because they offer high-end education as well as an implemented ABA therapy program for autistic children. 

When you begin an ABA therapy program, your child’s therapy plan is created based on an assessment of their skills. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCABA) completes this (BCaBA). Please visit the behavior analyst certification board website for information on where to find a BCBA in your area.  

A plan that supports your child’s individual needs should be put in place for them to benefit from their therapy program. If you are interested in enrolling your child in ABA therapy Deaborn Heights be sure to get in touch with the Kreative Kids Learning Center at (313) 278-3008. 

Karing Kids ABA Therapy is located within the Kreative Kids Learning Center. It is the philosophy of the Kreative Kids Learning Center that children shall thrive by providing the foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences in a nurturing environment. From active learning ingredients to mental health, nutrition, and hygiene, we believe child development to be an interconnected system of experiences and opportunities. By bridging education, care, and health, we envision society where childcare is recognized as the leader in providing the greatest opportunities for families to thrive. Through multi-programming and community-connected approaches, we build and sustain strategies that bridge health and learning for all families. 


Although its practical applications have changed over the years, the science of ABA has been around since 1938. It can be used as a therapy to treat a myriad of social and behavioral concepts including smoking, weight loss, and even reducing accidents in factories. 

ABA helps childs develop skills of self-advocacy, negotiation, and other skills that van help in expressing individuality/ these skillsets are crucial in learning how to effectively communicate likes and dislikes, daily needs, emotions, and more. 

ABA is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Assessments and teaching strategies should be constantly evaluated and modified to best serve your child and address their unique needs.

To ensure that a program has social validity, the child receiving the services (whenever possible) and parents or caregivers should be incorporated into the development of goals and intervention plans. This should include cultural and/or religious considerations, family values, etc. 

A child’s emotions are valid and should always be considered, not only in the development of a program, but also in teaching functional communication.